First of May March held in Greece

People’s Front of Greece, Freedom Committee for Ali Osman Köse, Antiimperialist Front, members of the Greek Left and Democratic Mass Organizations as well as the General Strike of May 6 called for the Mayday march on 6th of May. The voice of ill prisoner Ali Osman Köse in Turkey was also in the streets of Athens.

With the anti-worker law to be issued in Greece, the right to work for 8 hours will be usurped, dismissal, recruitment change, strikes, workers’ rights will be usurped.That legislation will be put to a vote in May. The call today was to celebrate the day of the fight, which is the day of workers and labourers on May 1, and to protest this labor law, which was to be enacted.

The crowd gathered in Propilia Square for the march, started at 11:00 in the morning. The Freedom Committee for Ali Osman Köse took its place in the field and collected signatures for the release of the sick prisoner Ali Osman Köse. Anthems were played with musical instruments.

With the start of the march, a banner saying “Long live May 1” in Greek, Turkish and Kurdish and the slogans “Long Live May 1, Release Ali Osman Köse, Biji Yek Gulan” slogans were chanted and marched on the march with the words “Long Live May 1, Let Ali Osman Köse be released in Greek Turkish and English “Freedom for Ali Osman Köse“ banners were carried in 3 languages.

Greek People’s Front
Anti-Imperialist Front-Greece
Ali Osman Köse Freedom Committee-Greece

Published by Free Ali Osman Köse

WE WANT FREEDOM FOR ALI OSMAN KÖSE AND ALL ILL PRISONERS Ali Osman Köse is a political prisoner who has been in prison for 37 years in Turkey. 21 years of his captivity have been spent in isolation cells. Ali Osman Köse is a prisoner who has many health problems due to long-term conditions of captivity, torture and isolation. He has many health problems such as neurological problems, circulatory system-related diseases, hypertension, hearing loss, loss of balance, stomach problems, visual disorders. He cannot walk alone today without clinging to the wall due to these health problems he has experienced. He can't meet his requirements such as using the bathroom, sink or doing his laundry unaided, he can't even eat his food without assistance. Ali Osman Köse's most important health problem today is the cancerous mass in his kidney. A 9 cm diameter cancerous cyst was found in his left kidney; it was said that these cancerous cells pose a vital risk and should be operated on urgently. But despite the fact that months have passed since the diagnosis, he is still not operated on, his treatment is blocked, so he is expected to die in prison. Barriers to Ali Osman Köse's treatment should be removed, he should be treated in appropriate conditions and released immediately so that he can regain his health. The Trakya University Hospital must make immediatly operation to remove the cancer cyst! Let The Sick Prisoner Ali Osman Köse Be Released, Let The Right To Treatment Be Provided! Solidarity Is The Weapon Of The Peoples! Freedom Committee for Ali Osman Köse

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